Learn how Fabrikatör empowers ecommerce brands with streamlined demand planning, inventory automation, and pre-order management, helping small businesses scale effectively and stay competitive.
Master inventory planning with Bahadir from Fabrikatör. Learn key strategies for Shopify DTC brands, including Black Friday inventory tips.
Izzy, founder of Browze and Portless, shares how his innovative supply chain strategies boosted profits and delivery speed, with Bahadir, CEO of Fabrikatör.
Bahadir Efeoglu discusses using modern retail and supply chain tech to accelerate DTC brand growth as a Virtual Head of Operations.
Bahadir shares Black Friday/Cyber Monday strategies, stressing pre-orders, multiple forecasts, and consistent ads even when out of stock.
Bahadir shares his insights on D2C inventory management, the importance of pivoting, clear communication, and early preparation for key events.
In the latest eCommerce Fastlane episode, Bahadir discusses DTC inventory challenges and how Fabrikatör optimizes inventory management for Shopify stores.
Bahadir, a digital product expert, leads Fabrikatör, creating solutions for DTC brands. Honest Ecommerce offers advice for growing online stores.
Ecommerce Coffee Break Podcast with Bahadir covers inventory planning, restocking strategies, backordering, and using back orders for market insights.
Bahadir shares his DTC inventory management tips, featuring best practices, and backorder benefits.
Daniel Bidmon and Bahadir discuss D2C brand challenges in inventory, fulfillment, and rising costs, and offer solutions used by top D2C brands.
Bahadir's podcast episode with Izzy, founder of Portless 3PL, on solving inventory problems.