8 Most Common Mistakes DTC Brands Make During Black Friday (and How to Avoid Them)

8 Most Common Mistakes DTC Brands Make During Black Friday (and How to Avoid Them)

The High Stakes of BFCM for DTC Brands

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) are the biggest opportunities for DTC brands to capitalize on a massive surge in online shopping. It's the time when your marketing efforts, product releases, and customer engagement collide, offering the chance to capture more revenue in a few days than in several months combined. But here's the catch: it's a double-edged sword.

When executed properly, BFCM can elevate your brand, bringing new customers and boosting your sales. However, for those unprepared, it can expose flaws that lead to missed opportunities, operational breakdowns, and a flood of unhappy customers. A single misstep—like running out of your most popular product or being unprepared for the volume—can haunt your business long after the BFCM dust settles.

Click here to reach the operational checklist for Black Friday Cyber Monday
Click here to reach the operational checklist for BFCM

Why BFCM Success is Critical for Your Brand

The importance of BFCM goes beyond a short-term sales boost. It's a moment where all your hard work for the year comes together—your marketing strategy, inventory planning, and customer service all face their biggest test. This period allows brands to tap into heightened consumer demand, attract new customers, and strengthen relationships with existing ones. But it's also a time where mistakes can be costly.

Failing to prepare can mean losing out on sales, wasting the marketing dollars you’ve poured into months of preparation, and worse, damaging your reputation with customers who expect a seamless experience. As consumer expectations are at an all-time high during BFCM, ensuring that your inventory is well-stocked, your marketing is aligned with your supply, and your customer service is on point is not just a recommendation—it’s a necessity. With proper planning, you can not only survive BFCM, but thrive in the months that follow.

🙅‍♂️ Mistake 1: Underestimating the Importance of Inventory Management

Underestimating inventory management during BFCM is like walking a tightrope without a net—one wrong move can have massive consequences. Imagine you’ve launched a stellar marketing campaign, and customers are flooding to your site. But suddenly, your best-selling product is out of stock. Not only do you lose potential sales, but all the marketing dollars you poured into promoting those products are wasted. Worse still, customers leave disappointed and may never return.

On the flip side, overstocking can be just as damaging. Excess inventory ties up your cash flow, sitting in warehouses, collecting dust. After BFCM, you may be forced to offer steep discounts to clear unsold stock, eroding your margins. It's a lose-lose situation that could have been prevented with the right approach to inventory planning.

A lot of brands rely on spreadsheets like Excel to track and plan their inventory, which works fine until the stakes rise. The problem is that Excel, despite being a go-to tool for many, simply can’t keep up with the complexities of high-demand events like BFCM. Human errors creep in, forecasting becomes guesswork, and real-time updates are nonexistent. You need a better solution—one that’s built for the intensity of BFCM.

Here is an inventory planning playbook for BFCM success, check it out! 👇👇

How to Solve Out-of-Stock & Overstock Problems with Fabrikatör?

This is where Fabrikatör’s Replenishment feature makes all the difference. Instead of manually calculating stock needs or relying on gut instinct, the replenishment tool automatically evaluates real-time data like sales trends, stock levels, and lead times to generate purchase orders at the right time.

By automating the restocking process, Fabrikatör ensures you maintain optimal inventory levels during crucial periods like BFCM, avoiding stockouts that lead to missed sales and preventing overstock that ties up your cash flow. The result is a smoother, more predictable inventory management system that keeps you agile and well-prepared.

The Replenishment feature helps you stay ahead, providing the confidence to execute your BFCM strategy without inventory headaches.

Fabrikatör’s Replenishment Dashboard
Fabrikatör’s Replenishment Dashboard

📊 Mistake 2: Neglecting Data-Driven Forecasting

Data is the lifeblood of any successful e-commerce business, especially during critical sales periods like BFCM. Yet, many brands still rely on guesswork when forecasting demand, which is a recipe for disaster. Without leveraging historical data, sales trends, or real-time analytics, it’s nearly impossible to predict what inventory levels you’ll need or which products will perform best. During BFCM, where every hour counts, the margin for error is slim, and the stakes are high.

Why Guesswork Doesn’t Work During BFCM

Forecasting demand based on intuition or past general trends may work during slower periods, but BFCM is an entirely different beast. Customer behaviors shift rapidly during these peak times, and brands often see exponential sales growth in a matter of days or even hours. Guessing how much stock to order or which items will be in demand can leave you either scrambling to restock sold-out items or, worse, stuck with mountains of unsold products post-BFCM.

Data-driven forecasting allows you to predict customer demand with precision. It leverages historical data from previous BFCM seasons, as well as real-time sales performance, to ensure that you’re prepared for whatever may come. This kind of planning allows you to avoid both stockouts and overstocking, maximizing profitability while minimizing risk.

Forecast with Confidence Using Data-Driven Insights

This is where Fabrikatör’s advanced forecasting can change the game. Fabrikatör allows you to base your inventory predictions on concrete data rather than guesswork. You can plan your upcoming purchase orders (POs) with confidence, knowing you’re making informed decisions supported by data. It helps you manage not just the next restock but also prepares you for the next three to four purchase orders, giving you the foresight to stay ahead of the demand curve.

Plan takes into account seasonality, product trends, and previous campaign data, allowing you to anticipate growth rates and adjust accordingly. Whether you’re planning for a 10% growth or expecting a more conservative surge, Plan provides the insights you need to scale your inventory with precision. In short, it takes the uncertainty out of BFCM planning and puts you back in control.

Fabrikatör’s Dashboard
Fabrikatör’s Dashboard

🧏‍♂️ Mistake 3: Misaligning Marketing Campaigns with Inventory Levels

Many DTC brands put tremendous effort into crafting marketing campaigns for BFCM, but if those campaigns aren't aligned with your inventory, it’s like turning on the faucet with an empty bucket. Promoting items that you don’t have sufficient stock for can lead to frustrated customers, missed sales, and wasted ad spend. It’s essential to ensure that your inventory can support the sales surge brought on by marketing efforts, or you risk undermining your entire strategy.

How Poor Synchronization Leads to Lost Sales

Imagine the frustration of launching a successful marketing campaign only to find that one of your best-sellers is out of stock halfway through BFCM. Not only do you lose the immediate sales, but the ripple effects can be damaging—disappointed customers may not return, and the resources you spent on influencer partnerships or ads are wasted. Conversely, marketing underperforming products can leave you sitting on unsold stock, further eroding your profitability.

Effective synchronization between marketing and inventory is crucial for BFCM success. It’s not just about knowing what to promote—it’s about knowing how much you can actually sell, ensuring you never over-promise or under-deliver.

Real-Time Inventory Data Visibility

While Fabrikatör doesn’t integrate directly with marketing tools, it gives you the real-time data visibility needed to align inventory and promotions. You can track best-sellers and slow-moving products directly from the dashboard, allowing you to adjust your marketing campaigns and inventory strategies on the fly. With tools like Plan, you’ll receive alerts when restocking is necessary, ensuring your marketing stays in sync with available stock, and you don’t have to pause campaigns due to unexpected stockouts. This visibility enables more effective, data-driven decision-making throughout BFCM.

For more tips on aligning marketing and inventory for BFCM, check out this detailed BFCM blog post.

🔙 Mistake 4: Not Using Backorders to Capture Sales

Stockouts during BFCM can feel like a missed opportunity, but what’s worse is losing those sales entirely. Many DTC brands fail to capitalize on backorders, assuming that once something is out of stock, the sale is lost. In reality, allowing customers to place backorders can not only keep your sales momentum going but also prevent customer frustration when their favorite items are unavailable.

Capturing Missed Opportunities with Backorders

When a high-demand item goes out of stock during BFCM, many customers will simply leave your site and look elsewhere. But what if you could capture those sales and keep them in your pipeline, even while the product is temporarily unavailable? That’s where backorders come into play. Offering customers the option to place a backorder can ensure that you don’t lose out on those critical BFCM sales, even when your stock runs low.

Backorders also offer a unique advantage: they allow you to manage cash flow more effectively. By securing the sale up front, you can use that revenue to fund the next wave of inventory, ensuring a smoother, more profitable BFCM season.

Why Backorders are important?
Why Backorders are important?

A Strategic Cash Flow Booster

Fabrikatör’s Backorders feature is a powerful tool for ensuring that no sales opportunity slips through your fingers. With Backorders enabled, you can automatically allow customers to purchase out-of-stock items and fulfill the orders once inventory is replenished. This keeps your revenue flowing and customer satisfaction high, even during temporary stockouts.

To learn more about how backorders can be a cash flow generator, check out this blog post.

How backorders look like on your product pages
How backorders look like on your product pages

📝 Mistake 5: Overlooking Operational To-do’s

When preparing for BFCM, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of sales and marketing, but neglecting operational tasks can lead to chaos behind the scenes. Ensuring that your operations are ready to handle the BFCM rush is just as important as your marketing strategy. From fulfillment and shipping to customer support, everything needs to run like a well-oiled machine.

The Importance of Preparation for Black Friday

Operational readiness is often the make-or-break factor for BFCM success. While many brands focus on getting more traffic and sales, they often forget the behind-the-scenes work that ensures everything runs smoothly once orders start pouring in. Without a proper operational plan, you may face bottlenecks in fulfillment, delayed shipping times, and customer service issues, all of which can tarnish the shopping experience.

For instance, if your warehouse isn’t prepared for the volume or your fulfillment process is outdated, you’ll quickly find yourself overwhelmed. Similarly, if your customer service team isn’t staffed and ready to handle a surge in inquiries, it can lead to delayed responses, frustrated customers, and negative reviews.

Your Secret Weapon for Black Friday Cyber Monday Period This Year

To help brands manage the operational complexity of BFCM, Fabrikatör provides a range of tools to streamline the process. These tools ensure that you can easily manage inventory, track shipments, and handle orders efficiently, reducing the risk of operational hiccups that could dampen your BFCM success.

Make sure to check out this comprehensive BFCM 2024 Operational Checklist to ensure you're fully prepared.

Click here to reach the operational checklist for BFCM
Click here to reach the operational checklist for BFCM

🚛 Mistake 6: Failing to Optimize Your Supply Chain

In the frenzy of BFCM, your supply chain is your backbone. Yet, many brands fail to ensure that it’s optimized to handle the surge in demand. Without a solid, reliable supply chain in place, you risk delays, increased costs, and disappointed customers—none of which you can afford during one of the busiest sales periods of the year.

Supply Chain Disruptions Can Cost You

A smooth supply chain is critical to the success of your BFCM strategy. If your suppliers can’t deliver on time, or if there are inefficiencies in your distribution network, your entire sales process can grind to a halt. Delayed shipments mean longer fulfillment times, and in the age of fast delivery expectations, slow shipping can lead to unhappy customers, negative reviews, and a tarnished brand reputation.

Without an optimized supply chain, even the best marketing strategies and inventory management systems can’t save you from the fallout of unfulfilled orders or delayed deliveries. BFCM puts enormous pressure on every link in the chain, from your suppliers to your warehouse and shipping partners. Ensuring that your supply chain is not only robust but flexible enough to adapt to unexpected challenges is essential.

Optimize Your Supply Chain for BFCM with Real-Time Data

Fabrikatör helps optimize your supply chain by using real-time data for demand forecasting, automated replenishment, and purchase order management. These tools ensure that your stock levels are maintained, your suppliers are aligned, and your inventory can adapt to any changes in demand. This flexibility minimizes the risk of unfulfilled orders or delayed deliveries during peak periods like BFCM, allowing your supply chain to remain responsive and efficient under pressure.

Essential BFCM Inventory Planning Tips for Small Shopify Stores

📢 Mistake 7: Overlooking Customer Communication

While it’s easy to get caught up in inventory and marketing strategies for BFCM, the customer experience should remain a top priority, especially when it comes to communication. During the chaos of BFCM, clear and proactive communication can be the difference between retaining a customer and losing them to frustration. Stockouts, shipping delays, or any hiccup in the buying process need to be addressed swiftly and transparently to maintain trust.

The Role of Clear Communication in Retaining Customers During BFCM

When things go wrong during BFCM—and they often do—it’s critical to communicate with your customers before they even have a chance to reach out. Stockouts, delivery delays, or issues with their orders can damage your relationship with them if not handled with care. Poor communication during these moments leads to distrust and erodes customer loyalty, which is hard to rebuild.

Proactive communication not only manages expectations but also shows that you care about your customers' experience, even during the busiest time of the year. When customers know what’s happening, whether it’s a shipping delay or a restock notification, they’re more likely to remain satisfied and continue shopping with your brand.

Klaviyo Templates for Backorders & Preorders
Klaviyo Templates for Backorders & Preorders

Aligning Your Marketing Efforts with Inventory Management

To make customer communication smoother, Fabrikatör integrates with Klaviyo, allowing you to automate important customer notifications. This integration ensures that customers are kept in the loop without you having to manually update them, reducing the strain on your customer service team. Whether it’s notifying them of a stockout, updating them on shipping statuses, or confirming their order details, Klaviyo helps you deliver a seamless communication experience.

To streamline your communication strategy even further, check out these Klaviyo templates that make staying in touch with your customers easy.

👨‍💻 Mistake 8: Not Leveraging Real-Time Data and Analytics

During BFCM, agility is everything. Brands that can adjust on the fly, based on real-time data and analytics, have a significant advantage over those that rely on static reports or delayed insights. The ability to make quick, informed decisions can help you maximize profitability and respond effectively to unexpected challenges, such as product sellouts or spikes in demand for certain items.

Making Informed Decisions During BFCM

In the chaos of BFCM, having access to real-time data is crucial for making the right calls. Sales trends can shift within hours, meaning decisions made based on yesterday’s data could already be outdated. Without access to current information, you could be promoting items that are nearly sold out or missing opportunities to boost underperforming products. Adjusting your strategy in real-time, whether it’s ordering more stock, tweaking pricing, or shifting marketing focus, allows you to optimize every aspect of your BFCM operations.

The power of real-time analytics extends beyond just sales data. It gives you a holistic view of how your business is performing, providing insights on inventory, fulfillment times, and even customer service metrics. By tapping into these insights, you can ensure that you’re always one step ahead of demand and ready to make the necessary adjustments that keep your business running smoothly during high-pressure sales periods.

Fabrikatör Feature Promotion: Real-Time Analytics

Fabrikatör’s real-time analytics give you the insights you need to navigate BFCM successfully. From sales performance to stock levels, Fabrikatör provides a dashboard that helps you monitor everything in real-time. This empowers you to pivot your strategy quickly, whether it’s restocking fast-selling items, re-allocating inventory, or adjusting your marketing to maximize sales.

With real-time data at your fingertips, you’ll be able to react swiftly to the fast-changing dynamics of BFCM, ensuring that you’re always operating at peak efficiency.

Fabrikatör Inventory Planning Tool's Analytics Feature
Fabrikatör’s Analytics

Conclusion: Avoiding Mistakes to Ensure a Successful BFCM

Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be the most rewarding—or challenging—times for DTC brands, depending on how well-prepared you are. From inventory management and forecasting to marketing alignment and customer communication, avoiding these common pitfalls can make all the difference. It’s about ensuring that your strategy is both flexible and data-driven, giving you the ability to react to real-time changes and meet the demand head-on.

Key Takeaways for a Profitable BFCM

To summarize:

  • Prioritize precise inventory management with tools like Fabrikatör’s Plan to avoid stockouts and overstock.
  • Use data-driven forecasting to make informed decisions rather than relying on guesswork.
  • Sync your marketing campaigns with inventory levels to maximize sales potential.
  • Implement backorders to capture sales, even during stockouts.
  • Follow a detailed operational checklist to keep your business running smoothly.
  • Optimize your supply chain to prevent costly disruptions.
  • Keep communication clear and proactive with your customers, leveraging tools like Klaviyo.
  • Rely on real-time data and analytics to adjust strategies on the fly.

By addressing these critical areas and utilizing Fabrikatör’s robust suite of tools, your brand can turn potential mistakes into opportunities for growth. Make sure you’re prepared, agile, and well-equipped to navigate the busiest shopping event of the year.

Ready to take your BFCM planning to the next level? Explore how Fabrikatör’s tools can help you forecast demand, optimize inventory, and keep your operations running smoothly during this high-stakes season.

🔧 Upgrade Your Inventory Game with Fabrikatör Before BFCM Starts!

Your  Shopify store has more potential than you realize! 💥 Fabrikatör provides robust inventory planning and control to unlock this potential and boost the growth of your small Shopify business!

How? 🤔

Image showing Fabrikatör inventory planning assistant's page.

With its easy-to-use interface, you can quickly adapt to Fabrikatör, while its advanced features ensure your store is professionally prepared for high demand. From automatized replenishment to detailed analytics, quick purchase orders to backorders and freight planning…  Fabrikatör is here to help you manage inventory efficiently and stay ahead during BFCM.

Do you have questions? You can experience all these features firsthand. Just spare 30 minutes and see Fabrikatör in action!

If your stock doesn’t arrive on time, you could run out of popular items or miss key sales opportunities. During BFCM, when demand is high, even minor delays can become major problems, making it hard to keep up with customer expectations and manage inventory effectively.

Want to see Fabrikatör in action?
Get a 30-minute free demo and see how Fabrikatör can improve your inventory operations.
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8 Most Common Mistakes DTC Brands Make During Black Friday (and How to Avoid Them)

8 Most Common Mistakes DTC Brands Make During Black Friday (and How to Avoid Them)

The High Stakes of BFCM for DTC Brands

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) are the biggest opportunities for DTC brands to capitalize on a massive surge in online shopping. It's the time when your marketing efforts, product releases, and customer engagement collide, offering the chance to capture more revenue in a few days than in several months combined. But here's the catch: it's a double-edged sword.

When executed properly, BFCM can elevate your brand, bringing new customers and boosting your sales. However, for those unprepared, it can expose flaws that lead to missed opportunities, operational breakdowns, and a flood of unhappy customers. A single misstep—like running out of your most popular product or being unprepared for the volume—can haunt your business long after the BFCM dust settles.

Click here to reach the operational checklist for Black Friday Cyber Monday
Click here to reach the operational checklist for BFCM

Why BFCM Success is Critical for Your Brand

The importance of BFCM goes beyond a short-term sales boost. It's a moment where all your hard work for the year comes together—your marketing strategy, inventory planning, and customer service all face their biggest test. This period allows brands to tap into heightened consumer demand, attract new customers, and strengthen relationships with existing ones. But it's also a time where mistakes can be costly.

Failing to prepare can mean losing out on sales, wasting the marketing dollars you’ve poured into months of preparation, and worse, damaging your reputation with customers who expect a seamless experience. As consumer expectations are at an all-time high during BFCM, ensuring that your inventory is well-stocked, your marketing is aligned with your supply, and your customer service is on point is not just a recommendation—it’s a necessity. With proper planning, you can not only survive BFCM, but thrive in the months that follow.

🙅‍♂️ Mistake 1: Underestimating the Importance of Inventory Management

Underestimating inventory management during BFCM is like walking a tightrope without a net—one wrong move can have massive consequences. Imagine you’ve launched a stellar marketing campaign, and customers are flooding to your site. But suddenly, your best-selling product is out of stock. Not only do you lose potential sales, but all the marketing dollars you poured into promoting those products are wasted. Worse still, customers leave disappointed and may never return.

On the flip side, overstocking can be just as damaging. Excess inventory ties up your cash flow, sitting in warehouses, collecting dust. After BFCM, you may be forced to offer steep discounts to clear unsold stock, eroding your margins. It's a lose-lose situation that could have been prevented with the right approach to inventory planning.

A lot of brands rely on spreadsheets like Excel to track and plan their inventory, which works fine until the stakes rise. The problem is that Excel, despite being a go-to tool for many, simply can’t keep up with the complexities of high-demand events like BFCM. Human errors creep in, forecasting becomes guesswork, and real-time updates are nonexistent. You need a better solution—one that’s built for the intensity of BFCM.

Here is an inventory planning playbook for BFCM success, check it out! 👇👇

How to Solve Out-of-Stock & Overstock Problems with Fabrikatör?

This is where Fabrikatör’s Replenishment feature makes all the difference. Instead of manually calculating stock needs or relying on gut instinct, the replenishment tool automatically evaluates real-time data like sales trends, stock levels, and lead times to generate purchase orders at the right time.

By automating the restocking process, Fabrikatör ensures you maintain optimal inventory levels during crucial periods like BFCM, avoiding stockouts that lead to missed sales and preventing overstock that ties up your cash flow. The result is a smoother, more predictable inventory management system that keeps you agile and well-prepared.

The Replenishment feature helps you stay ahead, providing the confidence to execute your BFCM strategy without inventory headaches.

Fabrikatör’s Replenishment Dashboard
Fabrikatör’s Replenishment Dashboard

📊 Mistake 2: Neglecting Data-Driven Forecasting

Data is the lifeblood of any successful e-commerce business, especially during critical sales periods like BFCM. Yet, many brands still rely on guesswork when forecasting demand, which is a recipe for disaster. Without leveraging historical data, sales trends, or real-time analytics, it’s nearly impossible to predict what inventory levels you’ll need or which products will perform best. During BFCM, where every hour counts, the margin for error is slim, and the stakes are high.

Why Guesswork Doesn’t Work During BFCM

Forecasting demand based on intuition or past general trends may work during slower periods, but BFCM is an entirely different beast. Customer behaviors shift rapidly during these peak times, and brands often see exponential sales growth in a matter of days or even hours. Guessing how much stock to order or which items will be in demand can leave you either scrambling to restock sold-out items or, worse, stuck with mountains of unsold products post-BFCM.

Data-driven forecasting allows you to predict customer demand with precision. It leverages historical data from previous BFCM seasons, as well as real-time sales performance, to ensure that you’re prepared for whatever may come. This kind of planning allows you to avoid both stockouts and overstocking, maximizing profitability while minimizing risk.

Forecast with Confidence Using Data-Driven Insights

This is where Fabrikatör’s advanced forecasting can change the game. Fabrikatör allows you to base your inventory predictions on concrete data rather than guesswork. You can plan your upcoming purchase orders (POs) with confidence, knowing you’re making informed decisions supported by data. It helps you manage not just the next restock but also prepares you for the next three to four purchase orders, giving you the foresight to stay ahead of the demand curve.

Plan takes into account seasonality, product trends, and previous campaign data, allowing you to anticipate growth rates and adjust accordingly. Whether you’re planning for a 10% growth or expecting a more conservative surge, Plan provides the insights you need to scale your inventory with precision. In short, it takes the uncertainty out of BFCM planning and puts you back in control.

Fabrikatör’s Dashboard
Fabrikatör’s Dashboard

🧏‍♂️ Mistake 3: Misaligning Marketing Campaigns with Inventory Levels

Many DTC brands put tremendous effort into crafting marketing campaigns for BFCM, but if those campaigns aren't aligned with your inventory, it’s like turning on the faucet with an empty bucket. Promoting items that you don’t have sufficient stock for can lead to frustrated customers, missed sales, and wasted ad spend. It’s essential to ensure that your inventory can support the sales surge brought on by marketing efforts, or you risk undermining your entire strategy.

How Poor Synchronization Leads to Lost Sales

Imagine the frustration of launching a successful marketing campaign only to find that one of your best-sellers is out of stock halfway through BFCM. Not only do you lose the immediate sales, but the ripple effects can be damaging—disappointed customers may not return, and the resources you spent on influencer partnerships or ads are wasted. Conversely, marketing underperforming products can leave you sitting on unsold stock, further eroding your profitability.

Effective synchronization between marketing and inventory is crucial for BFCM success. It’s not just about knowing what to promote—it’s about knowing how much you can actually sell, ensuring you never over-promise or under-deliver.

Real-Time Inventory Data Visibility

While Fabrikatör doesn’t integrate directly with marketing tools, it gives you the real-time data visibility needed to align inventory and promotions. You can track best-sellers and slow-moving products directly from the dashboard, allowing you to adjust your marketing campaigns and inventory strategies on the fly. With tools like Plan, you’ll receive alerts when restocking is necessary, ensuring your marketing stays in sync with available stock, and you don’t have to pause campaigns due to unexpected stockouts. This visibility enables more effective, data-driven decision-making throughout BFCM.

For more tips on aligning marketing and inventory for BFCM, check out this detailed BFCM blog post.

🔙 Mistake 4: Not Using Backorders to Capture Sales

Stockouts during BFCM can feel like a missed opportunity, but what’s worse is losing those sales entirely. Many DTC brands fail to capitalize on backorders, assuming that once something is out of stock, the sale is lost. In reality, allowing customers to place backorders can not only keep your sales momentum going but also prevent customer frustration when their favorite items are unavailable.

Capturing Missed Opportunities with Backorders

When a high-demand item goes out of stock during BFCM, many customers will simply leave your site and look elsewhere. But what if you could capture those sales and keep them in your pipeline, even while the product is temporarily unavailable? That’s where backorders come into play. Offering customers the option to place a backorder can ensure that you don’t lose out on those critical BFCM sales, even when your stock runs low.

Backorders also offer a unique advantage: they allow you to manage cash flow more effectively. By securing the sale up front, you can use that revenue to fund the next wave of inventory, ensuring a smoother, more profitable BFCM season.

Why Backorders are important?
Why Backorders are important?

A Strategic Cash Flow Booster

Fabrikatör’s Backorders feature is a powerful tool for ensuring that no sales opportunity slips through your fingers. With Backorders enabled, you can automatically allow customers to purchase out-of-stock items and fulfill the orders once inventory is replenished. This keeps your revenue flowing and customer satisfaction high, even during temporary stockouts.

To learn more about how backorders can be a cash flow generator, check out this blog post.

How backorders look like on your product pages
How backorders look like on your product pages

📝 Mistake 5: Overlooking Operational To-do’s

When preparing for BFCM, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of sales and marketing, but neglecting operational tasks can lead to chaos behind the scenes. Ensuring that your operations are ready to handle the BFCM rush is just as important as your marketing strategy. From fulfillment and shipping to customer support, everything needs to run like a well-oiled machine.

The Importance of Preparation for Black Friday

Operational readiness is often the make-or-break factor for BFCM success. While many brands focus on getting more traffic and sales, they often forget the behind-the-scenes work that ensures everything runs smoothly once orders start pouring in. Without a proper operational plan, you may face bottlenecks in fulfillment, delayed shipping times, and customer service issues, all of which can tarnish the shopping experience.

For instance, if your warehouse isn’t prepared for the volume or your fulfillment process is outdated, you’ll quickly find yourself overwhelmed. Similarly, if your customer service team isn’t staffed and ready to handle a surge in inquiries, it can lead to delayed responses, frustrated customers, and negative reviews.

Your Secret Weapon for Black Friday Cyber Monday Period This Year

To help brands manage the operational complexity of BFCM, Fabrikatör provides a range of tools to streamline the process. These tools ensure that you can easily manage inventory, track shipments, and handle orders efficiently, reducing the risk of operational hiccups that could dampen your BFCM success.

Make sure to check out this comprehensive BFCM 2024 Operational Checklist to ensure you're fully prepared.

Click here to reach the operational checklist for BFCM
Click here to reach the operational checklist for BFCM

🚛 Mistake 6: Failing to Optimize Your Supply Chain

In the frenzy of BFCM, your supply chain is your backbone. Yet, many brands fail to ensure that it’s optimized to handle the surge in demand. Without a solid, reliable supply chain in place, you risk delays, increased costs, and disappointed customers—none of which you can afford during one of the busiest sales periods of the year.

Supply Chain Disruptions Can Cost You

A smooth supply chain is critical to the success of your BFCM strategy. If your suppliers can’t deliver on time, or if there are inefficiencies in your distribution network, your entire sales process can grind to a halt. Delayed shipments mean longer fulfillment times, and in the age of fast delivery expectations, slow shipping can lead to unhappy customers, negative reviews, and a tarnished brand reputation.

Without an optimized supply chain, even the best marketing strategies and inventory management systems can’t save you from the fallout of unfulfilled orders or delayed deliveries. BFCM puts enormous pressure on every link in the chain, from your suppliers to your warehouse and shipping partners. Ensuring that your supply chain is not only robust but flexible enough to adapt to unexpected challenges is essential.

Optimize Your Supply Chain for BFCM with Real-Time Data

Fabrikatör helps optimize your supply chain by using real-time data for demand forecasting, automated replenishment, and purchase order management. These tools ensure that your stock levels are maintained, your suppliers are aligned, and your inventory can adapt to any changes in demand. This flexibility minimizes the risk of unfulfilled orders or delayed deliveries during peak periods like BFCM, allowing your supply chain to remain responsive and efficient under pressure.

Essential BFCM Inventory Planning Tips for Small Shopify Stores

📢 Mistake 7: Overlooking Customer Communication

While it’s easy to get caught up in inventory and marketing strategies for BFCM, the customer experience should remain a top priority, especially when it comes to communication. During the chaos of BFCM, clear and proactive communication can be the difference between retaining a customer and losing them to frustration. Stockouts, shipping delays, or any hiccup in the buying process need to be addressed swiftly and transparently to maintain trust.

The Role of Clear Communication in Retaining Customers During BFCM

When things go wrong during BFCM—and they often do—it’s critical to communicate with your customers before they even have a chance to reach out. Stockouts, delivery delays, or issues with their orders can damage your relationship with them if not handled with care. Poor communication during these moments leads to distrust and erodes customer loyalty, which is hard to rebuild.

Proactive communication not only manages expectations but also shows that you care about your customers' experience, even during the busiest time of the year. When customers know what’s happening, whether it’s a shipping delay or a restock notification, they’re more likely to remain satisfied and continue shopping with your brand.

Klaviyo Templates for Backorders & Preorders
Klaviyo Templates for Backorders & Preorders

Aligning Your Marketing Efforts with Inventory Management

To make customer communication smoother, Fabrikatör integrates with Klaviyo, allowing you to automate important customer notifications. This integration ensures that customers are kept in the loop without you having to manually update them, reducing the strain on your customer service team. Whether it’s notifying them of a stockout, updating them on shipping statuses, or confirming their order details, Klaviyo helps you deliver a seamless communication experience.

To streamline your communication strategy even further, check out these Klaviyo templates that make staying in touch with your customers easy.

👨‍💻 Mistake 8: Not Leveraging Real-Time Data and Analytics

During BFCM, agility is everything. Brands that can adjust on the fly, based on real-time data and analytics, have a significant advantage over those that rely on static reports or delayed insights. The ability to make quick, informed decisions can help you maximize profitability and respond effectively to unexpected challenges, such as product sellouts or spikes in demand for certain items.

Making Informed Decisions During BFCM

In the chaos of BFCM, having access to real-time data is crucial for making the right calls. Sales trends can shift within hours, meaning decisions made based on yesterday’s data could already be outdated. Without access to current information, you could be promoting items that are nearly sold out or missing opportunities to boost underperforming products. Adjusting your strategy in real-time, whether it’s ordering more stock, tweaking pricing, or shifting marketing focus, allows you to optimize every aspect of your BFCM operations.

The power of real-time analytics extends beyond just sales data. It gives you a holistic view of how your business is performing, providing insights on inventory, fulfillment times, and even customer service metrics. By tapping into these insights, you can ensure that you’re always one step ahead of demand and ready to make the necessary adjustments that keep your business running smoothly during high-pressure sales periods.

Fabrikatör Feature Promotion: Real-Time Analytics

Fabrikatör’s real-time analytics give you the insights you need to navigate BFCM successfully. From sales performance to stock levels, Fabrikatör provides a dashboard that helps you monitor everything in real-time. This empowers you to pivot your strategy quickly, whether it’s restocking fast-selling items, re-allocating inventory, or adjusting your marketing to maximize sales.

With real-time data at your fingertips, you’ll be able to react swiftly to the fast-changing dynamics of BFCM, ensuring that you’re always operating at peak efficiency.

Fabrikatör Inventory Planning Tool's Analytics Feature
Fabrikatör’s Analytics

Conclusion: Avoiding Mistakes to Ensure a Successful BFCM

Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be the most rewarding—or challenging—times for DTC brands, depending on how well-prepared you are. From inventory management and forecasting to marketing alignment and customer communication, avoiding these common pitfalls can make all the difference. It’s about ensuring that your strategy is both flexible and data-driven, giving you the ability to react to real-time changes and meet the demand head-on.

Key Takeaways for a Profitable BFCM

To summarize:

  • Prioritize precise inventory management with tools like Fabrikatör’s Plan to avoid stockouts and overstock.
  • Use data-driven forecasting to make informed decisions rather than relying on guesswork.
  • Sync your marketing campaigns with inventory levels to maximize sales potential.
  • Implement backorders to capture sales, even during stockouts.
  • Follow a detailed operational checklist to keep your business running smoothly.
  • Optimize your supply chain to prevent costly disruptions.
  • Keep communication clear and proactive with your customers, leveraging tools like Klaviyo.
  • Rely on real-time data and analytics to adjust strategies on the fly.

By addressing these critical areas and utilizing Fabrikatör’s robust suite of tools, your brand can turn potential mistakes into opportunities for growth. Make sure you’re prepared, agile, and well-equipped to navigate the busiest shopping event of the year.

Ready to take your BFCM planning to the next level? Explore how Fabrikatör’s tools can help you forecast demand, optimize inventory, and keep your operations running smoothly during this high-stakes season.

🔧 Upgrade Your Inventory Game with Fabrikatör Before BFCM Starts!

Your  Shopify store has more potential than you realize! 💥 Fabrikatör provides robust inventory planning and control to unlock this potential and boost the growth of your small Shopify business!

How? 🤔

Image showing Fabrikatör inventory planning assistant's page.

With its easy-to-use interface, you can quickly adapt to Fabrikatör, while its advanced features ensure your store is professionally prepared for high demand. From automatized replenishment to detailed analytics, quick purchase orders to backorders and freight planning…  Fabrikatör is here to help you manage inventory efficiently and stay ahead during BFCM.

Do you have questions? You can experience all these features firsthand. Just spare 30 minutes and see Fabrikatör in action!

If your stock doesn’t arrive on time, you could run out of popular items or miss key sales opportunities. During BFCM, when demand is high, even minor delays can become major problems, making it hard to keep up with customer expectations and manage inventory effectively.

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